Student in lab

Buffalo State University’s bachelor of science in forensic chemistry was recently recognized by as one of the nation’s top forensic chemistry programs. Of the approximately 50 undergraduate forensic science programs in the United States, 33—including Buffalo State’s—are accredited by the Forensic Science Education Programs Accreditation Commission (FEPAC). 

While forensic science covers many areas—including digital security, anthropology, chemistry, and biology—only five of the nation’s 33 FEPAC-accredited programs focus specifically on forensic chemistry, making Buffalo State’s program distinct and highly competitive. Each year, 30 to 40 freshmen enter the chemistry program; about half are admitted as pre-forensic majors.

The Chemistry Department is housed in the Science and Mathematics Complex, which includes a 96,000-square-foot addition with state-of-the-art laboratories and classrooms where students get hands-on experience.

Buffalo State offers both a bachelor of science and a master of science in forensic chemistry. The M.S. is primarily for students who have completed a chemistry or biology degree and want to gain additional experience in the field of forensics and seek jobs in forensic laboratories.