Voter Engagement

Buffalo State University has been recognized by the ALL IN Campus Democracy Challenge (ALL IN) as a 2024 ALL IN Most Engaged Campus for College Student Voting. The ALL IN Most Engaged Campuses for College Student Voting recognizes colleges and universities for outstanding efforts to increase nonpartisan student voter participation. Buffalo State joins a group of 471 colleges and universities recognized by ALL IN for completing four core actions:

This past year, Buffalo State established the LoRusso Alumni and Visitor Center as an on-campus polling site for students. In collaboration with the Dr. Katherine S. Conway-Turner Civic and Community Engagement Office (CCE), Student Affairs, and the League of Women Voters Buffalo Niagara (LWVBN), the university registered 296 incoming freshman and transfer students to vote during summer 2024’s New Student Orientation sessions. A voting empowerment rally—co-sponsored by the Bengals Vote Coalition; the CCE; the Student Political Society; the Political Science, Public Administration, and Planning Department; and the LWVBN—was held on October 24.